Best Business to Fast Make Pasive Income

Bonuses are calculated and processed on a monthly cycle basis.

All the PV earned during the monthly cycle from 26th of a calendar month will accumulate till 25th of the next calendar month.The new monthly cycle then starts from the 26th onwards.
All the distributors are entitled to the retail profit generated from the sales of the Tianshi products.
All the distributors have the right to sponsor the prospects to join Tianshi business.

The distributors through Auto personal consumption do not qualify to share the direct and indirect bonuses on the PV in the auto personal consumption plan.
PV will be calculated and processed on the monthly cycle basis and bonus allocation will commence from the 20th of the following month.
All bonuses are paid by means of a cheque .

Once you have attained a particular star distributor status level, you will attain it and not revert back to a lower status level .
Your PV starts accumulating from the day one and carries over every month into the next.One star distributor

Qualification: any individual who purchases the marketing kit for rs1200 and also approved by Tianshi company qualifies to become a one star distributor.
Benefit: One star is able to buy company products at distributor price.
One star distributor is entitled to the retail profit

Two star distributor

Qualification: One Star Distributor who makes a once off personal purchase of products of value equal to or greater than 100pv becomes a two star Distributor in that month

benefits: As a Two star Distributor you can get 5% direct Bonus

Three Star Distributor:

Option1: any two star distributor whose cumulative purchase is equal to or greater than 300PV qualifies to become a three star distributor in that month.
Option2: newly joined distributor who makes a once-off purchase of products of value equal to or greater than 300PV qualifies to become a three star distributor in that month.
Option3: Any two star distributor with at least three direct networks, with at least two star distributor I each network, and CPV of whose total network reaches 500PV qualifies to become a three star distributor in that month.
Option4: Any two star distributor with atleast two direct networks, with at least one two star distributor in each network, and the CPV of whose total network reaches 1000PV qualifies to become a three star distributor in that month.

Benefit : As a three star distributor, you can get 20% direct bonus and the corresponding indirect bonus.

Four star Distributor

Qualification :
Option 1: any distributor whose cumulative personal point volume (CPPV) is equal to or greater than 1200PV qualifies to become a four star distributor
in that month.
Option 2: Newly joined distributor who makes a once off purchase of value equal or greater than 1200PV qualifies to become four star distributor in that month.
Option3: any distributor with cumulative personal point volume of 300PV, who has atleast three direct networks, with at least one three star distributor in each network,and the CPV of whose total network reaches 1500PV,qualifies to become a four star distributor in that month.
Option4: any distributor with cumulative personal point volume of 300PV, who has at least two direct networks, with at least one three star distributorin each network,and the CPV of whose total reaches 3000PV, qualifies to become a four star distributor in that month.

Benefit:As a four star distributor you can get 24% direct bonus and the corresponding indirect bonus.

Five star distributor

Qualification :
Option1: Any four star distributor who has at least three direct networks, with at least one four star distributor in each network, and the CPV of whose total network reaches 6000PV , qualifies to become a five star distributor ion that month.
Option2: Any four star distributor who has at least two direct networks , with at least one four star distributor in each network, and the CPV of whose total network reaches 12000PV , qualifies to become a five star distributor in that month.

Benefit and conditions:
Firstly, on condition that your PPV reaches or exceeds 50PV,you can get 28% of your DPV as a direct bonus and the corresponding indirect bonus. If the distributor opts for auto personal consumption plan , personal consumption is the same i.e.50PV.
Secondly, you will receive a leader ship bonus, which is 1% of the GPV of your first level SSD on condition that your GPV reaches 600PV or more.

Six star distributor

Option1: any four star or above distributor who has at least three direct networks, with at least one five distributor in each network, and the CPV of whose total network reaches 25000PV, qualifies to become a six star distributor in that month .
Option2: any four star or above distributor who has at least two direct networks, with at least one five star distributor in each network ,and the CPV of whose total network reaches50000PV, qualifies to become a six star distributor in that month.

Benefit and conditions:
Firstly, on condition that your PPV reaches or exceeds 75PV, you can get 32%of your DPV as a direct bonus and the corresponding indirect bonus . If the distributors opts for auto personal consumption is the same i.e75PV.
Secondly, you will receive a leader ship bonus, which is 1% of the GPV of your first level SSD, you will receive a leader ship bonus, which is 1% of the GPV of your first level and 0.5% of the GPV of your second level SSD on condition that your GPV reaches 1000PV or more.

Seven star distributor

Option1: Any four star or above distributor who has at least three direct networks, with at least one six star distributor in each network, and the CPv of whose total network reaches 100000PV , qualifies to become a seven star distributor in that month.
Option2: Any four star or above distributor who has at least two direct networks, with at least one six star distributor in each network, and the CPV of whose total network reaches 200000PV, qualifies to become a seven star distributor in that month.

Benefit and conditions:
Firstly, on condition that your PPV reaches or exceeds 100PV , you can get 36% of your DPV as a direct bonus and the corresponding indirect bonus. If the distributor opts for auto personal consumption plan , personal consumption is the same i.e. 100PV.
Secondly, you will receive a leader ship bonus , which is the 1% of the GPV of your first level SSD and 0.5%of the GPV of your second and third level SSD on condition that your GPV reaches 1500PV or more.

Eight star distributor:

Option1: Any four star or above distributor who has at least three direct networks, with at least one seven star distributor in each network, and the CPV of whose total network reaches 400000PV, qualifies to become an eight star distributor in that month.
Option2: Any four star or above distributor who has at least two direct networks, reaches 800000PV , qualifies to become an eight star distributor in that month.

Benefit and conditions :
Firstly, on condition that your PPV reaches or exceeds 200PV, you can get 40% of your DPV as a direct bonus and the corresponding indirect bonus . If the distributor opts for Auto personal consumption plan, personal consumption should be175PV.
Secondly, you will receive a leader ship bonus, which is 1% of the GPV of your first and second level SSD and 0.5% of the GPV of your third, fourth and fifth level SSD on condition that your GPV reaches 2000PV or more.