Tiens Double Fibre Digestive Cleanser is a source of both soluble and insoluble fibres that will help restore normal bowel movements and regularity. Living in the twenty first century, your diet has become more and more refined with a reduced intake of vegetal cellulose which may lead to a series of digestive disorders.
Fibre is found in the stems, seeds and leaves of plants. Fibre is basically made up of chains of sugar; however humans do not have the digestive enzymes necessary to break these chains down. In actual fact the bacteria that live in your digestive tract has enzymes which can break a small amount of fibre down though most is not broken down and is excreted from the body in faeces.
Fibre is a broad term that includes both soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre dissolves in water and can be broken down by bacterial enzymes, while insoluble fibre cannot.
Fibre prevents constipation. Constipation is a condition where bowel movements are hard and dry. Constipated individuals do not have at least one bowel movement every three days and have difficulty and pain when passing faeces out of the body. Adequate fibre, fluid and exercise help prevent constipation. Both soluble and insoluble fibres help the faeces stay moist because fibre attracts water.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.INTERNAL CLEANSER
Chitosan is derived from chitin, a polysaccharide found in the exo-skeleton or shells of crustaceans, such as shrimp and crabs. It is not digestible, so it has no calories.
Chitosan is a naturally occurring substance that is chemically similar to the plant fibre cellulose. Unlike cellulose however, chitosan has the unique ability to dissolve and bind to fats and cholesterol in the stomach. Chitosan is mostly undigestible and can prevent these fats from being absorbed in the digestive tract.
Chitosan also serves as an added fibre intake which aids in digestion, soothing the stomach lining and basically acts as an internal cleanser speeding up the process of elimination of undigested fats and wastes.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.SPIRULINA
Spirulina (Spirulina maxima) is one of the most nutritionally rich foods on the planet hence why it is called a SUPER FOOD! Tiens Spirulina is made of dried spirulina or blue-green algae and contains a rich source of anti-oxidants. The results of scientific research have confirmed that spirulina contains easy to digest vegetable protein, essential fatty acids (GLA) and polysaccharides which promote the growth of lactobacilli, the good bacteria found in the gastrointestinal tract.
Scientific research has confirmed that spirulina has numerous anti-oxidants. It contains a natural balance of over 100 organic nutrients including vitamins, enzymes, anti-oxidants, trace elements and amino acids including selenium, zinc, manganese, copper, methionine and high levels of natural vitamin E. It is also the world’s richest whole food source of iron, protein, chlorophyll and betacarotene. Scientists believe that the tiny Spirulina plant is close to the perfect food and many researchers believe it can significantly improve your health and energy levels.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.HIGH ABSORBTION
Tiens has four calcium supplements all formulated to maintain normal growth and development of strong healthy bones. This range of Calcium supplements is suitable for all dietary needs, including sugarless, vegetarians and children.
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Its major function is in building and maintaining bone and teeth. Calcium exists in bone primarily in the form of hydroxyapatite. Calcium is also important in much of your body’s enzyme activity as well as contraction of muscles, release of neurotransmitters, maintenance of immune function, production of energy, regulation of heart beat and the correct clotting of blood.
Maximal bone growth occurs in the teenage years, and then bone density in women remains relatively constant until age 30 to 40. After age 40, bone loss typically occurs at rates of 0.5 to 1 per cent per year. In men, this occurs several decades later. Calcium balance is generally positive during growth, neutral in the mature adult, and negative in older adults. Calcium is lost in varying amounts through the faeces, urine, sweat, and sloughed skin cells. Reduced oestrogen levels in women result in reduced calcium absorption and retention, increased bone turnover, and lower bone mass.
Inadequate calcium intake results in reduced bone mass and osteoporosis. In a review of 52 intervention trials investigating calcium's effects on osteoporosis, the vast majority of trials have shown beneficial effects, including better bone balance, greater bone gain during growth, reduced bone loss in the elderly and reduced risk of fracture. Most studies show that long-term calcium supplementation decreases primary fracture rates by 30 to 35 per cent for vertebral bone and 25 per cent for hip bone. It appears supplements must be continued indefinitely since the effects of two years of calcium supplements on bone mineral density are largely lost within two years after discontinuing the supplements.
In the ongoing Nurse's Health Study, with 87,000 participants, supplementary intake of 400 or more milligrams daily of calcium has been associated with a significantly reduced risk of stroke among women. Supplementary intakes higher than 600 milligrams daily did not appear to confer further benefit, so more is not necessarily better!
Calcium supplementation has been found to also have a modest effect on the reduction of systolic blood pressure in those with hypertension. Diastolic blood pressure does not appear to be affected by calcium, and calcium does not affect blood pressure in those with normal levels.
Calcium hydroxyapatite is very bioavailable and is the only form of calcium that promotes bone building activity. To ensure adequate calcium absorption, a daily intake of 400-600 IU of vitamin D is recommended. Calcium absorption can also be improved by the mineral boron, as it helps to reduce the amount of calcium excreted in the urine. Vitamin A and zinc are also important for calcium metabolism and uptake respectively. Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) extract is rich in zinc. A study of 396 men ranging in age from 45-92 that was published in the September 2004 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a clear correlation between low dietary intake of zinc, low blood levels of the trace mineral, and osteoporosis at the hip and spine. Vitamin C promotes the formation of osteoblast-derived proteins required in bone.
The best natural sources of calcium are milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, buttermilk and other dairy products. Other sources include salmon, green leafy vegetables, non-dairy almond drinks and tofu.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.SUGARLESS HIGH ABSORBTION
Tiens has four calcium supplements all formulated to maintain normal growth and development of strong healthy bones. This range of Calcium supplements is suitable for all dietary needs, including sugarless, vegetarians and children.
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Its major function is in building and maintaining bone and teeth. Calcium exists in bone primarily in the form of hydroxyapatite. Calcium is also important in much of your body’s enzyme activity as well as contraction of muscles, release of neurotransmitters, maintenance of immune function, production of energy, regulation of heart beat and the correct clotting of blood.
Maximal bone growth occurs in the teenage years, and then bone density in women remains relatively constant until age 30 to 40. After age 40, bone loss typically occurs at rates of 0.5 to 1 per cent per year. In men, this occurs several decades later. Calcium balance is generally positive during growth, neutral in the mature adult, and negative in older adults. Calcium is lost in varying amounts through the faeces, urine, sweat, and sloughed skin cells. Reduced oestrogen levels in women result in reduced calcium absorption and retention, increased bone turnover, and lower bone mass.
Inadequate calcium intake results in reduced bone mass and osteoporosis. In a review of 52 intervention trials investigating calcium's effects on osteoporosis, the vast majority of trials have shown beneficial effects, including better bone balance, greater bone gain during growth, reduced bone loss in the elderly and reduced risk of fracture. Most studies show that long-term calcium supplementation decreases primary fracture rates by 30 to 35 per cent for vertebral bone and 25 per cent for hip bone. It appears supplements must be continued indefinitely since the effects of two years of calcium supplements on bone mineral density are largely lost within two years after discontinuing the supplements.
In the ongoing Nurse's Health Study, with 87,000 participants, supplementary intake of 400 or more milligrams daily of calcium has been associated with a significantly reduced risk of stroke among women. Supplementary intakes higher than 600 milligrams daily did not appear to confer further benefit, so more is not necessarily better!
Calcium supplementation has been found to also have a modest effect on the reduction of systolic blood pressure in those with hypertension. Diastolic blood pressure does not appear to be affected by calcium, and calcium does not affect blood pressure in those with normal levels.
Calcium hydroxyapatite is very bioavailable and is the only form of calcium that promotes bone building activity. To ensure adequate calcium absorption, a daily intake of 400-600 IU of vitamin D is recommended. Calcium absorption can also be improved by the mineral boron, as it helps to reduce the amount of calcium excreted in the urine. Vitamin A and zinc are also important for calcium metabolism and uptake respectively. Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) extract is rich in zinc. A study of 396 men ranging in age from 45-92 that was published in the September 2004 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a clear correlation between low dietary intake of zinc, low blood levels of the trace mineral, and osteoporosis at the hip and spine. Vitamin C promotes the formation of osteoblast-derived proteins required in bone.
The best natural sources of calcium are milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, buttermilk and other dairy products. Other sources include salmon, green leafy vegetables, non-dairy almond drinks and tofu.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.CHILDREN'S HIGH ABSORBTION
Tiens has four calcium supplements all formulated to maintain normal growth and development of strong healthy bones. This range of Calcium supplements is suitable for all dietary needs, including sugarless, vegetarians and children..
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Its major function is in building and maintaining bone and teeth. Calcium exists in bone primarily in the form of hydroxyapatite. Calcium is also important in much of your body’s enzyme activity as well as contraction of muscles, release of neurotransmitters, maintenance of immune function, production of energy, regulation of heart beat and the correct clotting of blood.
Maximal bone growth occurs in the teenage years, and then bone density in women remains relatively constant until age 30 to 40. After age 40, bone loss typically occurs at rates of 0.5 to 1 per cent per year. In men, this occurs several decades later. Calcium balance is generally positive during growth, neutral in the mature adult, and negative in older adults. Calcium is lost in varying amounts through the faeces, urine, sweat, and sloughed skin cells. Reduced oestrogen levels in women result in reduced calcium absorption and retention, increased bone turnover, and lower bone mass.
Inadequate calcium intake results in reduced bone mass and osteoporosis. In a review of 52 intervention trials investigating calcium's effects on osteoporosis, the vast majority of trials have shown beneficial effects, including better bone balance, greater bone gain during growth, reduced bone loss in the elderly and reduced risk of fracture. Most studies show that long-term calcium supplementation decreases primary fracture rates by 30 to 35 per cent for vertebral bone and 25 per cent for hip bone. It appears supplements must be continued indefinitely since the effects of two years of calcium supplements on bone mineral density are largely lost within two years after discontinuing the supplements.
In the ongoing Nurse's Health Study, with 87,000 participants, supplementary intake of 400 or more milligrams daily of calcium has been associated with a significantly reduced risk of stroke among women. Supplementary intakes higher than 600 milligrams daily did not appear to confer further benefit, so more is not necessarily better!
Calcium supplementation has been found to also have a modest effect on the reduction of systolic blood pressure in those with hypertension. Diastolic blood pressure does not appear to be affected by calcium, and calcium does not affect blood pressure in those with normal levels.
Calcium hydroxyapatite is very bioavailable and is the only form of calcium that promotes bone building activity. To ensure adequate calcium absorption, a daily intake of 400-600 IU of vitamin D is recommended. Calcium absorption can also be improved by the mineral boron, as it helps to reduce the amount of calcium excreted in the urine. Vitamin A and zinc are also important for calcium metabolism and uptake respectively. Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) extract is rich in zinc. A study of 396 men ranging in age from 45-92 that was published in the September 2004 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a clear correlation between low dietary intake of zinc, low blood levels of the trace mineral, and osteoporosis at the hip and spine. Vitamin C promotes the formation of osteoblast-derived proteins required in bone.
The best natural sources of calcium are milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, buttermilk and other dairy products. Other sources include salmon, green leafy vegetables, non-dairy almond drinks and tofu.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.VEGETARIAN HIGH ABSORBTION
Tiens has four calcium supplements all formulated to maintain normal growth and development of strong healthy bones. This range of Calcium supplements is suitable for all dietary needs, including sugarless, vegetarians and children.
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Its major function is in building and maintaining bone and teeth. Calcium exists in bone primarily in the form of hydroxyapatite. Calcium is also important in much of your body’s enzyme activity as well as contraction of muscles, release of neurotransmitters, maintenance of immune function, production of energy, regulation of heart beat and the correct clotting of blood.
Maximal bone growth occurs in the teenage years, and then bone density in women remains relatively constant until age 30 to 40. After age 40, bone loss typically occurs at rates of 0.5 to 1 per cent per year. In men, this occurs several decades later. Calcium balance is generally positive during growth, neutral in the mature adult, and negative in older adults. Calcium is lost in varying amounts through the faeces, urine, sweat, and sloughed skin cells. Reduced oestrogen levels in women result in reduced calcium absorption and retention, increased bone turnover, and lower bone mass.
Inadequate calcium intake results in reduced bone mass and osteoporosis. In a review of 52 intervention trials investigating calcium's effects on osteoporosis, the vast majority of trials have shown beneficial effects, including better bone balance, greater bone gain during growth, reduced bone loss in the elderly and reduced risk of fracture. Most studies show that long-term calcium supplementation decreases primary fracture rates by 30 to 35 per cent for vertebral bone and 25 per cent for hip bone. It appears supplements must be continued indefinitely since the effects of two years of calcium supplements on bone mineral density are largely lost within two years after discontinuing the supplements.
In the ongoing Nurse's Health Study, with 87,000 participants, supplementary intake of 400 or more milligrams daily of calcium has been associated with a significantly reduced risk of stroke among women. Supplementary intakes higher than 600 milligrams daily did not appear to confer further benefit, so more is not necessarily better!
Calcium supplementation has been found to also have a modest effect on the reduction of systolic blood pressure in those with hypertension. Diastolic blood pressure does not appear to be affected by calcium, and calcium does not affect blood pressure in those with normal levels.
Calcium hydroxyapatite is very bioavailable and is the only form of calcium that promotes bone building activity. To ensure adequate calcium absorption, a daily intake of 400-600 IU of vitamin D is recommended. Calcium absorption can also be improved by the mineral boron, as it helps to reduce the amount of calcium excreted in the urine. Vitamin A and zinc are also important for calcium metabolism and uptake respectively. Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) extract is rich in zinc. A study of 396 men ranging in age from 45-92 that was published in the September 2004 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a clear correlation between low dietary intake of zinc, low blood levels of the trace mineral, and osteoporosis at the hip and spine. Vitamin C promotes the formation of osteoblast-derived proteins required in bone.
The best natural sources of calcium are milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, buttermilk and other dairy products. Other sources include salmon, green leafy vegetables, non-dairy almond drinks and tofu.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.ZINC FORMULA
Zinc is an essential trace mineral and co-factor to over 200 enzymes in your body. It is this support role to many enzymes, that gives zinc a wide range of functions including growth and development, white blood cell development in the immune system, assisting digestive enzymes for normal digestion, essential fatty acid metabolism, normal clotting of blood, thyroid hormone function, insulin function and reproductive health.
Low levels of zinc have been associated with poor wound healing and supplementing with zinc may promote wound healing.
The severity of cold symptoms (including cough, headache and nasal congestion) may be reduced by taking zinc lozenges. A study published in the Journal of Therapeutics (Nov 21, 2002), showed that zinc lozenges, taken daily, could reduce the incidence of colds by as much as 62 per cent and reduce the length of the cold from 10 days to six days.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.IMMUNE SYSTEM
Containing an extract of Cordyceps sinensis , a traditional Chinese herb, this product supports the immune function and aids in the maintenance of general well being. It also may assist with normal healthy male and female sexual function.
Cordyceps sinensis is a highly valued medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine. In China it is called 'the caterpillar mushroom'.
Clinically, Cordyceps is used to build and support immune function in various immune compromised conditions. Cordyceps is thought to be a remedy for weakness and fatigue and is often used to increased energy after illness as well as to strengthen your resistance to infection.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.SUPER ANTIOXIDANT
Anti-oxidants are essential for normal metabolism and protect cells against oxidative stress. They protect cell membranes and tissues against the damaging effects of free radicals and protect against free radicals in cigarette smoke/air pollution.
Anti-oxidants are phytochemicals, vitamins and other nutrients that protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Studies have shown that anti-oxidants help prevent the damage that is associated with degenerative disorders. Anti-oxidants can be found in most fruits and vegetables but also culinary herbs and medicinal herbs can contain high levels of anti-oxidants.
Free radicals are formed as part of your natural metabolism but also by environmental factors, including smoking, pesticides, pollution and radiation. Free radicals are unstable molecules which react easily with essential molecules of your body, including DNA, fat and proteins. When a free radical attacks a molecule, it will then become a free radical itself, causing a chain reaction which can result in the destruction of a cell. Anti-oxidants have the ability to neutralise free radicals. However, when the anti-oxidant neutralises a free radical it becomes inactive. Therefore you need to continuously supply your body with anti-oxidants.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.CIRCULATION FORMULA
Helps in the maintenance of general wellbeing and supports normal healthy digestion, blood, circulation and cholesterol levels.
Blood moves around your body inside the circulatory system. This is made up of blood vessels called arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood keeps moving through these blood vessels because it is being pumped by the heart. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body. Arteries connect to the smallest blood vessels the capillaries which go directly to the tissues. The blood in the capillaries gives oxygen to the cells and takes the waste gas, carbon dioxide, from the cells. Capillaries are connected to the smallest veins in the body. The veins get bigger and bigger as they carry the blood back towards the heart. The blood always circulates through the body in the same direction. As well as oxygen and carbon dioxide, many other substances are carried in the blood. The blood circulating through the digestive system picks up digested food products and carries them to the liver to be used or stored.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.WOMEN'S FORMULA
This product can be used by women at special times, as a one-a-day supplement for general health maintenance or at a higher dose as a tonic. It may assist with healthy blood circulation and support the liver.
As a blood tonic it supports and maintains normal healthy menstrual cycles, heart function and rhythm, blood pressure, immune function, wound healing and tissue repair. It can help rejuvenate the body system at the time of menopause
Tiens Women’s Formula is a combination of vitamins E, C and Chinese herbs.
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for humans and helps to maintain a normal healthy heart and cardiovascular system. According to the Physicians Desk Reference guide vitamin E is widely recognised for its anti-oxidant activities and does appear to be protective against cardiovascular disease. It also has demonstrated immune-enhancing effects. The Nurses' Health Study involving 87,000 participants, all free of cardiovascular disease at the start, showed that at the end of the eight year trial there was a 34 per cent reduction in coronary heart disease risk among those women with the highest vitamin E intakes – from diet and supplements. Vitamins E and C are anti-oxidants and essential for normal metabolism, they protect cells against oxidative stress.
Use only as directed. Always read the label.
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Tiens Certificate
Tianshi Group also won the 'Certificate for the UN Supplier.
On the second national symposium on calcium in 1998. tianshi Group won the "Contribution for Human Health Award" and the "Human Health Award".
In 2002. Tianshi Group was selected by the UN Ecological Safety Com-mission and the Academy for International Ecological Safety as the 'Best Enterprise for Ecological Safety'.
Tianshi product were the first among the same industry to win the ISO9002 quality system certification, and some of its product were certificated by FDA, America.
On the second national symposium on calcium in 1998. tianshi Group won the "Contribution for Human Health Award" and the "Human Health Award".
In 2002. Tianshi Group was selected by the UN Ecological Safety Com-mission and the Academy for International Ecological Safety as the 'Best Enterprise for Ecological Safety'.
Tianshi product were the first among the same industry to win the ISO9002 quality system certification, and some of its product were certificated by FDA, America.
About Tiens
Health, wealth, peace and development are the permanent themes upheld by Tianshi Group. It has been a persistent advocate of respect for life and spread of love, calling for more attention that should be devoted to health in the new century. Armed with a global vision. tianshi shoulders the great mission to shape the world's future. It provides a panoramic stage for those who join the company for this global cause. Some 20 million people, scattered around the world, will become not only consumers and proprietors, but also shareholders of the company in the future. An individual's capital is thus maximized in consumption. We believe that all members of tianshi, with a good sense of responbility, justice and mission, will have their qualifications uplifed, their souls purfied and personal values realized on this platform, Tianshi cares for life and commits itself to the whole world. A healthy and well-off road is stretching right before us !.
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